Tuesday, November 26, 2013

America as type of the New Israel

The New Israel is the body of Christ, which is to say the Spirit-born believers.

America's miraculous birth and many rescues from mortal peril imply that God has something special in mind for America, though it is true now and has always been true that the forces of darkness strive to destroy America from within, sometimes doing horrific things that no American can be proud of.

America at its best reflects the ideals of Christian brotherhood and sisterhood as espoused in the New Testament. That includes the concept of equality among brothers and sisters and freedom to seek God in spirit and in truth, rather than by some church-state system handed down from the Roman era. This libertarian streak within Protestant America had a beneficial effect on Catholicism and Judaism.

America is a nation that, under God's control, abolished the foul practice of slavery even though that practice had become entrenched. America was able to, despite great mistrust, accept the need for change as embodied in Martin Luther King, who, in the spirit of his namesake, the apostle Martin Luther, blazed a trail through a thicket of blindness.

America is a worldly projection, and type, of the New Israel, to whom all the promises of the Old Testament belong. As Jesus said, God is able to raise up children of Abraham from the stones. Those who put their trust in the God of Jesus are the true children of Abraham.

It should also be noted that Jesus warned that it was a bad idea to curse anyone, no matter what injustice had been suffered. So the promise concerning blessing and cursing associated with Israel actually applies in general. You reap what you sow, Jesus said.

Yet, perhaps that promise carries more heft when Israel is blessed or cursed. So then, if one curses America, one is on the brink of cursing the New Israel. And the Bible says that he who curses Israel will pay for that wrong. As the New Testament makes clear, that, and other, promises now apply to the true Israel, the New Israel.

A curse need not be merely an unkind word. It might be a plot to undermine America's democratic process. The Soviet Union committed such a curse, and, as a consequence, it collapsed after seven decades. Who knocked down the Soviet empire? It was the Lord, acting to shield the New Israel and preserve the New Israel in America. Even if the state of Israel were to commit a curse against America, the shadow of the New Israel, a severe consequence must follow.

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